The Logbook
Power Test: John Higgins
The Athlete:
John Higgins is the ‘Bike Fitr’. Based in Salt Lake City, John has a deep commitment to his trade; he produces and sells his own bike fitting equipment while also running a thriving fitting studio practice. As a racer himself, John competes in multiple disciplines and has an intimate understanding of the biomechanical and fit challenges cyclists face with conventional footwear.
Peak Watts:
In his LoreOne Power Test, John’s average peak watts increased a phenomenal 20.13% over his conventional pair of Lake shoes. The newfound performance will be a huge benefit in John’s crit racing efforts.
Building off the peak watt numbers, John’s 10 second power (acceleration from a start) jumped an incredible average 23.42%–– we are well beyond margin gains.
15-60 Second Power:
The LoreOne delivered John an average 4.23% increase 15-60 watts over the course of all the intervals. This is the period after the initial power spike settles down. John could expect to see similar range improvements in a full 1 hour FTP test – a game changing performance figure as it pertains to longer efforts.
One-on-each foot, Conventional vs. LoreOne
With the LoreOne on the Right foot and his other riding shoes on the Left, John’s LoreOne pedal stroke gained a dramatic 19 degrees of powerband over his conventional shoe. As expected from LoreOne users, John showed much earlier initiation of power at the top of the pedal stroke. John also experienced a deeper, longer pull at the bottom of stroke versus his conventional Lake shoes-- past the 6 o'clock position, proving the overall increased powerband.
LoreOne Power Results Summary:
- 20.1% increase in peak watts
- 8.9% increase in total average watts
- 4.23% increase in 15-60 sec average watts
- 23.4% increase in 10 sec watts (acceleration)
- 19 degrees increase in powerband arc
For an explanation of the tests, protocol, and design please refer here.